The art of life

Wills look at art in life and life in art

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Collage three: I need my new ipod to make me feel happy

ipod happy

Jenkins, W. V. (2013). I need my new ipod to make me feel happy. Digital photoshop.

Over the holiday break I worked on another digital collage. This one references consumerism, the constant updating of brand editions (good for sales, eh) and the way advertisers associate brand ownership with success and by extension happiness. This collage is different to my previous ones in that it includes less obviously assembled imagery. I did this partly to make it look like an advertisement – at least at first glance, until the viewer realises I am not selling a product here, although perhaps I am selling an idea or a thought?

In the top right hand corner in the window frame stares a small group of Asian assembly line workers. To me they have a look of despair and their inclusion raises the issue of the costs behind the production of western consumer goods such as the ipod. Apple products like many western brands are commonly manufactured in Asian countries under poor conditions, low pay, tedious work and extremely long hours. Typically the workers also live and eat on site and in essence their work can become their entire existence. Sadly some factories have even installed suicide nets to catch the regular jumpers who can no longer cope with the conditions they find themselves in.

Martha Rosler is a USA based artist who commonly uses the technique of inserting shocking images, e.g. of war or violence into conventional living room spaces, often via windows, TV sets or as a background to her scene. The conjunction of normality and shock can be very powerful and is something I plan to explore more fully as this collage series continues.

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Collage two: Maraenui crusher


Jenkins, W. (2013). Maraenui crusher. Photoshop collage.

Here’s my second collage work. This one is more overtly political and is my response to the housing situation in Maraenui. I like the power that collage has to make political statements about what is happening in the world. Of course it helps if the viewer is aware of the situation, however hopefully a picture like this will inspire a person to find out. If that happens, then I have done my job.

Collage one: Trouble in Paradise

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Trouble in Paradise

Jenkins, W. V. (2013) Trouble in Paradise. Photoshop

Here is my own version of a Richard Hamilton To gain the background behind the post please read the posts below, including my essay on the emergence and disappearance of the self in art.

In it I take my own personal poke at some modern trends, some of which are a continuation of those found in Hamilton’s work. Can you spot them?